Here’s what we’re thinking about

Queen Elizabeth II, The Platinum Jubilee, and How Things Have Changed

In celebration of the Queen's Jubilee and a long weekend in the UK, account assistant Zuhur Ahmed looks at just how much has changed over the last 70 years when it comes to money.

Zuhur Ahmed, Account Assistant

An Interview with Graduates of the Vested Graduate Associates Program

Recent Graduates of Vested's Graduate Associate Program Give New Applicants the Inside Scoop of What It's Like to Work at Vested.

Keren Unrad, Head of Agency Marketing

A Day in the Life of a Vested UK Account Assistant: Marcus McGrigor 

Life at Vested is pretty fast-paced, but that is why I love it!


In defence of EastEnders - how pop culture shapes finance

Self-professed financial services geeks shouldn’t care about who killed whom on EastEnders, right? Corporate business strategies bear no relation to Keeping Up With The Kardashians
 not quite. Celebrity and pop culture has always influenced the status quo, which in turn impacts how consumers interact with financial services firms. As well as the social reforms that came about thanks to his writing, Charles Dickens is widely accredited to have given us the cultural blueprint for the ‘traditional’ Christmas we know today.

Lucy Mundy, Associate Director

The Other D: Accessibility and Access for Employees with Disabilities

Vested's Managing Director, Bryan Limon, describes what it's like to live and work with disabilities and steps employers can take to make workplaces more accessible.

Bryan Limon, Director

Planning for 2022 with resilience, creativity, flexibility, purpose and empathy

As we near the end of another year of change for the communications industry, we hosted a webinar with Signal AI, looking at the opportunities for communicators in 2022.

Sophie Paterson, Associate Director

What Does the IPO Surge Say?

What the IPO flood reveals is that a large and diverse group of presumably savvy business people see a bright economic future and a market that might be pricing itself for something even brighter than the reality they see. It is a view that investors need to consider and one to which the flood of IPOs has called attention.

Milton Ezrati, Chief Economist

Black Friday - a different turn of events in 2021?

Black Friday is traditionally the biggest shopping day of the year. Retailers slash their prices, double their marketing efforts and brace themselves for an influx or orders over the weekend. Last year, the UK was in a national lockdown throughout November, so bargains could only be bagged online, meaning consumer spend was significantly down compared to 2019.

Sophie Paterson, UK Associate Director

Do "Buy Now, Pay Later" Services Like Klarna Trick You Into Debt?

Are you thinking about using a “buy now, pay later” service like Klarna or Afterpay this holiday season? If so, here’s what you need to watch out for.

4 Common Types of Financial Fraud & How to Avoid Them

In honor of International Fraud Awareness Week, we’re uncovering four common types of financial fraud and how to avoid them. Click the link to learn more.

Questions Still Remain After COP26

George Pitt, Associate Director