Marketing to Gen Z, Call to regulate Cryptocurrency, Nasdaq’s new diversity requirements.
Marketing to Gen Z: Don’t discount Gen Z. Although you may think of them as “kids,” members of the young generation are now making purchasing decisions and hold far more market influence than you may suspect. It’s exactly why organizations of all kind must consider ESG in their marketing strategies, according to The Drum. The publication dives into the importance of Environmental, Social Governance in companies’ messaging, especially when communicating to their Gen Z constituents.
Cryptocurrency Regulation: Economists are calling for regulations on the “wild west” that is the cryptocurrency world, citing the lack of oversight makes it harder for investors to fight frauds and scams, according to Politico. However, regulating cryptocurrency and incorporating it into our economy may hold some negative repercussions. While economists may have conflicting opinions on how to move forward, they all agree that something has to be done.
Nasdaq Diversity: The need for more diverse work environments and leadership is no secret — but one financial giant has set out to make change happen. The Securities and Exchange Commission approved a proposal from stock exchange operator Nasdaq that requires its listed companies to have diverse boards, or explain why they do not. Reuters covers the progress this is for women and minorities, ensuring them a place at the table.
End of Advisor fees: Say goodbye to advisor fees. Younger generations are using apps such as Robinhood to take a do it yourself approach to investing, ditching the 1 percent advisor fee associated with managing assets. The Wall Street Journal introduces us to the new companies who understand that by offering more services, while reducing fees and cost, they can easily convert new clientele. “The arithmetic of the investment fees in a low-return environment can be devastating to the nest egg,” said Dr. Moshe Milevsky, a finance professor at Toronto’s York University.