How to Build a Fintech Marketing Plan: Insights, Tips, and Examples

Every business should have a marketing plan, but some sectors require a more specialized approach. Fintech, or financial technology, has become an area where this applies. A specific fintech marketing strategy is essential for growth and maintaining relevance. While some aspects of a fintech marketing strategy will be similar to a traditional marketing strategy, it is important to recognize and target the areas that highlight and apply to fintech.

In this article we will cover:

  • What fintech marketing is
  • Why having a fintech marketing strategy is important
  • Current marketing trends
  • How to develop a fintech marketing strategy 
  • Tips and ideas for marketing
  • Examples of strong fintech marketing

Understanding the Basics: What is Fintech Marketing?

Fintech marketing is the use of specialized marketing strategies by financial technology companies (fintechs) to attract, engage, and retain customers for their financial products and services. 

It is a blend of traditional marketing techniques with the newest, innovative digital marketing approaches tailored to the unique characteristics of fintech offerings. Fintech marketing still needs to prove the companies are trustworthy and credible while also following regulatory compliance. However, fintechs are able to leverage digital platforms and adapt quickly to market trends to reach a broad audience and engage with customers in real time. 

The fintech market is continually growing. It was valued at approximately $111.8 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow to $325 billion by 2026, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.58% (Statista). 

Why is Having a Fintech Marketing Strategy Important?

A fintech marketing strategy is crucial for several reasons. It can help build awareness about innovative financial solutions among potential customers who may not be familiar with fintech offerings. A strong strategy also effectively educates consumers, highlighting the benefits and functionalities of new technologies like mobile payments or blockchain. Equally important is establishing brand affinity by consistently delivering valuable content and engaging experiences. This fosters trust and loyalty among users. In the end, you want a strong marketing strategy that will not only attract customers but also position the fintech brand as a credible and influential player in the competitive financial services landscape.

Fintech Marketing Trends in 2024

Personalization at Scale 

Be on the lookout for personalization at scale in fintech marketing. Fintech companies are utilizing advanced data analytics and AI-driven insights in order to deliver extremely personalized marketing experiences to the consumer. This includes predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and behaviors. Personalized content, offers, and communications are based on this information. 

With the ability to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, fintechs can offer proactive recommendations and customized solutions.  This approach improves customer satisfaction and also fosters long-term loyalty by making customers feel that their financial journey and goals are recognized. These efforts drive higher conversion rates and strengthen the overall brand-consumer relationship in the competitive fintech landscape of 2024.

Omni-Channel Marketing

Fintech companies are embracing omni-channel marketing strategies. This enables them to deliver unified experiences across platforms like websites, mobile apps, social media, email, and offline channels. This cohesive approach ensures consistent messaging, the cornerstone of brand awareness, and enhances brand visibility, effectively engaging customers at every touchpoint in their journey. This integration improves customer interaction and also strengthens brand loyalty. Of course, it is also important that this maximizes conversion opportunities in the dynamic fintech sector.

Dominant Content Marketing

In 2024, content marketing continues to play an important role in fintech marketing strategies. It is a priority to craft informative content that focuses on customer challenges, simplifies financial complexities, and showcases fintech advantages. This creates an environment of thought leadership, builds trust, and also bolsters brand credibility. Strong, relevant content attracts organic traffic, which is essential for customer acquisition in the competitive fintech landscape.

How to Develop a Fintech Marketing Strategy

1: Customer Segmentation and Persona Development

The first step in an effective fintech marketing strategy is thoroughly analyzing your target audience and creating customer segmentation and persona development. Fintech companies serve diverse demographics with varying financial needs and preferences. Analyzing customer data and market research allows you to identify distinct segments based on factors like age, income level, financial goals, and technological proficiency.

Once segments are defined, you can create detailed buyer personas that represent your ideal customers within each segment. Persona development involves understanding their motivations, challenges, and decision-making criteria when selecting financial products or services. Having a deep understanding like this allows you to create personalized marketing efforts tailored to resonate with each potential customer. 

2. Content Strategy and Thought Leadership

Once personas are created, you will then develop a detailed content strategy focused on thought leadership and educational value. As mentioned earlier, content marketing is still essential in fintech marketing strategies in order to educate potential customers about complex financial concepts, demonstrate the benefits of fintech solutions, and address common pain points.

Your team should create a content calendar that includes blog posts, articles, whitepapers, infographics, and videos tailored to each persona’s interests and informational needs. You will also need to be sure that the content is optimized for SEO to attract organic traffic and establish the fintech brand as a credible authority in the industry.

Thought leadership content could include:

  • In-depth guides on financial planning 
  • Case studies highlighting successful implementations of fintech solutions 
  • Industry trends and analyses

Consistently providing valuable content builds trust, nurtures leads, and positions fintech companies as reliable resources for financial advice and innovation.

3. Omni-Channel Campaign Execution and Optimization

Finally, you will want to execute an omni-channel marketing campaign to reach and engage targeted personas across multiple touchpoints. It is best to utilize a mix of digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising to maximize your message and visibility.

Ensuring seamless integration across platforms delivers a cohesive brand experience and maintains consistent messaging. Use previous interactions of customer behavior and preferences to personalize communications to enhance relevance and engagement.

Regularly monitoring campaign performance through analytics cannot be understated. A/B testing is a great way to optimize your strategies in real-time. You can then adjust tactics based on insights gained from your data to improve conversion rates, ROI, and overall campaign effectiveness.

Tips for Fintech Marketers

Prioritize Security and Trust

When it comes to finances, security and trust are always going to be of the utmost importance for consumers. In order to reassure customers that your fintech company is trustworthy, highlight robust security measures in your marketing. Also, address possible privacy concerns and emphasize regulatory compliance to build trust and credibility.

Focus on User Experience 

It is important to make intuitive user experiences a priority. Invest in UX/UI design to streamline navigation and functionality across various devices. This will enhance usability and, ultimately, customer satisfaction. Consumers will be able to put trust in a user interface that is easily accessible and this will encourage engagement with your financial technology offerings.

Embrace Data Analytics 

You can use data insights to personalize marketing and hone in on specific subgroups. Optimize your strategies by analyzing user behavior and elevating campaign effectiveness. Specializing messages based on data will increase engagement and conversion rates. This will only benefit your fintech company when your marketing efforts are both efficient and impactful.

Fintech Marketing Examples


Spendesk offers a comprehensive spend management platform tailored for finance teams. Their content marketing strategy is extremely effective and significantly enhances search engine rankings. Spendesk employs a deliberate SEO approach by strategically targeting relevant keywords in their blogs. This fintech marketing strategy effectively increases conversions by reaching users that are actively seeking solutions. They are typically positioned at the bottom of the marketing funnel with clear purchase intent. 


CurrencyCloud, a fintech firm specializing in global money transfers, has successfully experimented with a newer form of content, the “Payment Innovations Podcast.” Podcasts offer a great way to reach many potential customers. This platform is an effective way to educate and engage listeners by offering valuable insights into the current global economic landscape. Business leaders tune in to stay informed about the latest in payment technologies and emerging fintech innovations. CurrencyCloud features esteemed guests on their podcast, capturing and maintaining listener interest effectively.

Fortune City

Keeping customers engaged in your technology is essential in order to maintain a solid client base. Gamification is a popular trend in fintech apps that can vary from minor changes to fully immersive experiences that feel like you are essentially in a game. Positioned as a spending monitor and personal city planner, Fortune City integrates elements like transportation networks and virtual occupations based on user spending habits. One way that aspects of the app have been turned into a game-like experience are users earn rewards by completing tasks. This fosters competition among friends. For those fully invested, there are detailed graphs and data sheets that cater to users interested in deeper insights. This is an innovative approach that keeps users engaged.  


As you can see, while the traditional marketing strategies are absolutely applied for fintech companies, there are other areas that need attention in order to be as successful as possible in the ever-growing fintech industry. Keeping up with current trends is important as well as establishing a solid fintech marketing strategy. 

Vested, a trusted fintech marketing agency,  is able to help you take on this challenge and compete with the top of the market.

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