Financial Marketers Must Place a High Value on Brand Purpose

It’s become a cliched to say at this point, but it’s true nonetheless: COVID-19 has changed much about the how business is done.

That’s especially true in financial marketing and comms. We saw how highlighting brand purpose became a big focus in marketing and advertising in recent months. This is important because consumers want to know what a company’s values are more than ever before.

This will be especially true as we emerge into a post-COVID world, notes this insightful article in MarketingWeek, which posits that the businesses that will survive and thrive will be those whose leaders put an equal focus on purpose as well as profit.

“In the battle for distinction, purpose can be the game changer: expressing clearly and simply what a business aspires to be and do,” the article states.

“But it offers more than this; purpose should be the roadmap helping an organization drive towards an ambitious and brighter future, fostering along the way a more focused, innovative and dynamic culture.”

It’s important for brands to embrace purpose authentically; it’s not solely just a marketing or branding exercise. Rather, having company values and purpose to stand on should be an ethos that permeates the entire organization. Those that do so will be well equipped to handle any future economic roils, whether they be pandemic-related to otherwise.

Vested is a global financial services branding agency that specializes in brand reputation. If you would like to see how Vested can improve your reputation and brand identity, contact us.

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