The Money Hackers

CEO Dan Simon chronicles the fintech revolution

The Money Hackers

Whether you’ve heard of fintech or not, it’s already changing your life. Have you ever Venmoed someone? Do you think about investing in Bitcoin—even though you can’t quite explain what it is? Do you deposit checks using your iPhone? That’s fintech.

The Money Hackers sets out to answer big-picture questions for curious readers and financial junkies alike–what is fintech, why it emerged when it did, and how it will affect our lives in the years to come. These are answered through the compelling stories of the industry’s key players that quickly rose to the top of a now booming industry and redefined how we think about money.

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Daniel P. Simon

Daniel P. Simon has been at the forefront of the financial technology revolution since its beginnings. As a writer, entrepreneur, and financial communications expert, he has been watching and chronicling the events that led to the fintech revolution and getting to know the biggest players in the space. His curiosity about the people leading this revolution led to The Money Hackers, in which he chronicles the stories behind the seismic shifts in the industry over the past decade.